Best yet, not only does Google maintain their investment in payday loans via LendUp, but there is also a bubble in the personal loans space, so Google will be able to show effectively the same ads for effectively the same service & by the time the P2P loan bubble pops some of the payday lenders will have followed LendUp's lead in re-branding their offers as being something else in name.
Technology is constantly changing, and it is obvious it takes our life to a whole new level. As the Internet has already become a powerful instrument of marketing, the technological advancement also plays a great role in promotion as well as in SEO and SMM services. In this article we will unveil how the correct usage of technology can help your business to attract new customers.
Change creates opportunity - new changes, new channels, new options, new models, and new methods. We have decided extend the range of our SEO services and now we are introducing new set of services connected with paid search, since clearly that is the future of all search marketing. We will also continue to develop our website for the comfort of our customers. We are also planning to run our personal blog on and shift most of it to attract new readers.
Many years ago we created an infographic about how search works, from the perspective of a content creator, starting with their content & following it through the indexing & ranking process. As users have shifted to mobile devices, the limited screen size of the devices have pushed search engines to squeeze out & displace publishers with their own self - hosted information in an effort to offset the poor usability offered by tiny devices, while ensuring the search habit does not decline.